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当前快讯:双语新闻 |“榴莲班列”从泰国远道而来 河南首列水果冷链回程专列抵郑

时间 2023-07-04 17:03:31 来源:顶端新闻  


CR Express cold-chain freight train back to Zhengzhou with duriansfor 1sttime

“榴莲班列”从泰国远道而来 河南首列水果冷链回程专列抵郑

CR Intermodal Zhengzhou Terminalin Central China"s Henan province welcomed its first CR Express cold-chain freight train(Thailand-Laos-Zhengzhou) back from Thailand with durians on the morning of July 2. It is the first time Henan has imported fruit from Southeast Asia via the China-Laos-Thailand railway, marking that Henan has smoothed the cold-chain logistics channel for importing fruits from the RCEP member countries.


CR Express cold-chain freight train back to Zhengzhou with duriansfor 1sttime. [Photo/Henan Daily]

Loaded with 30 TEUs or 165.8 tons of premium durians from South Thailand, this train left Thailand on June 26 and arrived in Zhengzhou 6 days later. Compared to sea freight and trucking, rail freight could greatly reduce logistics time and costs.


Durians are not easy to keep fresh, so they usually have a high demand for shipment. To keep them fresh, Zhengzhou Customs makes joint efforts with China Railway Zhengzhou Group Co Ltd and CR Intermodal Zhengzhou Terminal to ensure smooth and efficient customs clearance. "These durians not only enjoyed the zero-tariff policy for RCEP member countries, but also reached their destination in a relatively short time, thanks to the customs clearance guidance and the RCEP policy advocacy provided by Zhengzhou Customs," said a staff member from Zhengzhou Customs.




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